ODOE to Hold Virtual Workshop on Renewable Hydrogen

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16 AT 9:00AM PACIFIC .The Oregon Department of Energy invites stakeholders to participate in the kick-off workshop for the Renewable Hydrogen Study. As directed by SB 333 (2021), ODOE will study and report on a number of elements related to renewable hydrogen and how it might fit into the state's existing renewable energy and greenhouse gas reduction policies and goals.

The objectives of this workshop are to provide details to stakeholders on the study timeline and deliverables, to present a brief primer on hydrogen and renewable hydrogen, and to receive feedback on the scope of the study.

The virtual workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday, November 16, 2021. Please visit the Renewable Hydrogen Study webpage for agenda and workshop log-in information.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Smith at rebecca.smith@energy.oregon.gov.