Society of Petroleum Engineers - Western Regional Meeting
SUNDAY, APRIL 27 - MAY 1. This is the first time the Society of Petroleum Engineers has included technical sessions focused on hydrogen, and the conference location in Los Angeles offers the opportunity to highlight California leadership.
This year’s theme is Technology for Transition into the New Energy Frontier. The new technologies required for this transition include technology for the expanded use of future and renewable energy sources, and improvements in the extraction, transport, and utilization of existing hydrocarbon-based resources. The creativity and expertise of the SPE membership has long been beneficial for the latter. Now that same creativity and expertise is being applied to the former. At WRM2025, attendees will experience opportunities to learn about the potential for applying their talents in existing and in new directions.
The WRM 2025 meetings will include over 95 curated technical presentations, two topical Panel Sessions with SMEs making their views and opinions set out for discussion, four 1-day short courses on topics of current interest, and three field trips to visit oil/gas and geothermal facilities not normally open to the public. Two onsite lunches will take place. The Awards Luncheon will feature keynote address by the 2024 SPE President Terry Palisch and the presentation of Regional Awards to SPE’s best of the best by our SPE Western NA Regional Director Carlos Torres. The Networking Luncheon will provide unique opportunities to meet and interact with your fellow WRM 2025 attendees.