Infrastructure Group

CEC - MDHD ZEV Station Development in California - Beta Version

This is a beta dashboard displaying medium- and heavy-duty (MDHD) zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) hydrogen refueling and charging station development in California. The CEC appreciates the public’s input and is dedicated to developing infrastructure to help meet state and federal clean transportation goals.


United States

CalTrans - Call for Project Concepts

Caltrans invites interested providers of medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle charging and hydrogen fueling services to submit project concepts for consideration for nomination to the California Transportation Commission’s Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP).


United States
California US

CEC - Notice of Remote Attendance for June 7 Meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Clean Transportation Program Investment Plan

FRIDAY, JUNE 7 AT 9:00 AM. The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Clean Transportation Program Investment Plan. The meeting will discuss proposed funding allocations included in the draft staff report version of the 2024–2025 Investment Plan Update for the Clean Transportation Program. This is a hybrid meeting consistent with Senate Bill 544 (Laird, Chapter 216, Statutes of 2023), with both a publicly accessible physical location and public access online or by phone through Zoom™.


United States
California US

Kenworth and Peterbilt Heavy Duty Truck with Toyota Hydrogen Fuel Cell Kit Fueling Requirement for Station Providers

This resource describes the truck/station side requirements for station manufactures and station operators to interface with the Kenworth and Peterbilt class 8 trucks with the Toyota fuel cell kit.

Advancing Alternative Fuels in A Corridor Near You

THURSDAY, MARCH 2 - Alternative fuel corridors feature strategically positioned infrastructure and resources to create a national network of plug-in electric vehicle charging stations as well as hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along U.S. highway system corridors. By way of powerful partnerships between businesses, fuel providers, vehicle fleets, and state and local government agencies, examples of these accomplishments can be found in almost every state.


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